I am an Alpha woman in every day life. I have a strong personality.
I am a leader.
I decompress by sitting alone with a drink. I am a loner. I have few friends. I am driven. I am very passionate about my beliefs.
I am assertive.
I am not easily intimated.
It is very hard for me to ask anyone for help.
My house is always immaculately clean. I am in a constant state of tidying. I am always well manicured. My hair is always in place. I am organized. I do things right the first time.
My personality is brazen and sometimes obnoxious.
I am a bleeding heart full of compassion that I do not show to the world. I look people in their eyes and read their intention. I am intuitive. I am free spirited in private. I drink whiskey and sometimes dance in my room.
Even if I feel like crying and falling at your feet I will walk away with my pride intact by any means necessary. I can be equal parts of introvert and extrovert. I am an imperfect person.
i have a need to connect. To nurture.